Saturday, September 5, 2009

today go out with friend and also all heng sad and happy

my two cute friend...

this my cute lao po emily

forever best friend

forever best friend

so cool sportna

see soo so kns

wow what we doing

san dnt angry

bfr go party happy

cute hair

today go out because simon birthday..firstly simon happy birthday......we go pulau labuan coffe house...what had happen happy also good suddenly cool also got..someone with someone lah...erm then eat ady sakura come......sportna(what sakura always say want word)..i alwyas saw sakura i will always laugh becuase he is too funny..actully all people like sad sad ady suddenly he can make us laugh....then we go mcdonald......what had happen...i kena people say in back...say i am bad all that stupid such thing..she call me and say i accept ady bt my heart dnt...why we are best friend...the one in back must say us like that..I CAN TELL U I INFRONT OK...BT IN MY HEART.U ADY HURT MY FEELING........DAMMMM....why suddenly happy bt now....i hate that feeling..WHY MUST TREAT ME LIKE A FOOL....IF DARE JUST SAY INFRONT ME OK..I DNT SCARE U AT ALL.......

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