Wednesday, September 9, 2009

mum back..

in singapore famour wear back like that

one pair

nice oo

today after school dad bring us...erm me,soo and angeline,sportna ann,laurance.simon we go makan together....we got eat soto...damm nice...long time no eat ady...... after that..we go home lo..playing piano...playing computer...then go uk with other geng ady........with ming huat,a hao and also wilson...we go bazzzar 4 45 i went back...cause 6 pm got tuition house tuition mathematic...and fight with shan shan....sorry ok ady lah....ben dan i wu hui her ady...sorry....erm at night mum take the shirt for mr..o my godness..i like it cause the shirt is long long want...cute....with tigh pants....haha....thanks mum....mum buy from her...thanks mum..

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