Saturday, September 19, 2009

my feeling

life is short.........i love my family.......i still got how many year can be with them....i will apperciate what they give me....i always feel that i am the gold of my family...haha so perasan bt that my feeling..why i say that....i always spend my holiday going around with them.....that is a good memory for many can like me....what i daddy can give me..not like a just i feel very sad sometime because i cant give them what they i will try my best..still dad can spend his time with us go shopping when we go singapore or kl...still remeber i can go shopping with he while my mumy just sitting in a coffe house wait for us...what i buy my dad dnt even bother...he just say to me if u like it just buy it........he even buy a 300 something shoes for me....thanks u my mum she dnt like to buy thing for me..she more prefer when i go buy me thing and mum sponser me eat...mum ever buy a 47 ringgi ais cream for a low fat ice cream...and all yogurt....when i eat that..i feel like i am eating gold....wowo thank all my family...let show some of my life photo for u friend...give me the support of u guys

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