Tuesday, September 22, 2009

tired day bt happy lah with all my buddy

forever zhi mui

they are busy packing and wait taxi

all from brunai..blue shirt the one who make tatoo

we are best zhi mui forever

one of my friend from brunai do this tatoo

wei see here neh

today wake up at 8 am...cause my antie back china .......10 am tuition...12 pm go find angeline with all of them...i think is brunai want friend..mana tau go see is sportnaaa them....ya one of my new friend go make tatoo....u heard is spent 500 ringgit something...for them is cheap cause they are from brunai lah.......then we go kai kai....about 3 like that we go beta.......cause wait for taxi...they are going back lah...i feel that there are not so friendly sorry to say that...cause they not much talk....haha sorry oo angeline say your gor gor them like that.....okok hope next time they can talk with us more...why i no mood got abit also cause that lah...why they talk must in back in back leh....haha dnt know lah forget about it...after sent them we go kfc......sportnaa all wait us at there.....gham gham saw brother john....then die go scholl sure say us with sportnnaaa them.....haha after 4 something like that go home oi oi lol........hahahahaha let u guys see some photo hanging around with them......

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