Thursday, September 3, 2009

30 august...go out kai kai

the time show 1 am bt got people still drink milk so cute

lulu and fang fang

jia cheng from kk..V boy

man yi from kk

three of them from kk

man yi,lulu and also angeline

laurance,sakura and simon cars

two sweet sweet couple

go out kai kai with new friend..why i say them is my new friend...because i know who are them bt no talk with them that day i feel that they are friendly and to talk and make people laugh..their name is laurance,simon,qin ann and also sakura zhi da..why we call he sakura..because he drive kenari i think then outside sticker is and red cute oo....angeline my best friend bring her cousin come meet us..from kk want ...their name is man yi,jia cheng and one is a teck i think so dnt know got spell wrong mah?sorry oo...we go to pizz first ..after eat we decide went to mcdonlad...erm when we arrived there what had ice cream because finished...erm have to wait for 4 we terus go to seasport stay lol...can see poeple drift car...all of them like car very too...we at there till 1.30 friend soo yes...she can forget he ady..we are very happy .......u come out from the damm guys heart ady lol,...jia you...we will support us...many picture i had took let enjoy it

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