Monday, September 7, 2009

today go out with best friend...make hair also got ...erm see nice nice mah....

guy ok mah

guy ok mah

wah my dad so ke ai..uncle teo


cute dad see here

lulu oo

wow hair same bt my more straigh

after one hour..soo why your eye

wow apa me buat

my boss after cut

wow my boss cutting hair

today after school go uk with my best partner....angeline,soo and also emily.....erm go to eat kfc..then go make hair....because my curl i go make straigh......louis help me.....cheaper also lah......erm soo also cut cut hair...the angeline and also emily wait us them wait us...cause we like 10 year no meet many thing say and wont feel boring at all....hehe take us about 1 hour then ok ady...then go buy slipper lol the soo.....erm then we go back around 4 .45 pm...erm simon sms me...then i call he wait us at his shop....haha he really wait us oo...good good...then ask chinn ann where he...he say just finish work...then we go find he lol....haha yes say my beg ok ok nia...aiyo black want more nicee...that because the sportna chin ann like black lol then say my black want more nice....erm i think lah......wassuap lah the chin ann ......say me no write u in my i write ady......heheh....then meet daddy at shop...take some photo with uncle teo.....yeah yeah...tomoro mummy back ady.......miss her SPORRRRTNA KAU........

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