Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hi friend..

is a shopping centre

i want eat

haizzzz...so long no updated le lah.....haizzz so busy with all the stupid stuff in scholl...what moral folio and saints peka...lalala..teacher just let us do our self..what that.....so we just do lo what can do...she no more friend got also lah but like the friend all like just fu yuan her..what can do..also always see us play what then laugh what the..please lah people thing u also want terlibat.........lol.......please lah u....haiz dnt know want say what le...lol my friend sent me a e mail that let me very surprise.....in taiwan got a house is a hello kitty house what the...i want i want i want......if i at there sure wont sleep at all cause i realy like pink very much....let u guys see the photo of HELLO KITTY house....u also can stay there if u want......


  1. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!

  2. what menaning that is a gerat blog is because of the house or?
