Tuesday, April 14, 2009

why must say that....

lol..what happen to u..why must say like that....do u think about people feeling....i am angry u because why in my front of my friend want say my mother like that..if poeple say your mum what do u feel...PLEASE LAH THINK LAH...u always say people no think before talking but u le......why why why..i am really wrong now...lol why why why.......not say wow if she treat me like that ok lah dnt be friend..but suddenly at school say to her ..wow i cant leave witount u friend.....lol what the>>>>.i dnt know what i have do now...just she also say to me she enough alredy..ahahha..when u say poeple please lah...think do u worng or what.........alwyas your that attutude sorry to say that but i alredy enoght for that..i dnt know.......ahhaha....sorry i really cant froget it..and some secret think u do to me..dnt think i dnt know...i sure got many spy de.........lol

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