Monday, May 4, 2009

i heard is labuan international sea challenging gua

car show...infront put a big teddy

i like this..whole pink.........

spong box with fur
mini cooper

is labuan international school

what they doing jia you jia you

is for below 12 play de

wow is we draw de hahaha so lame

a cute nurse

small princess

wow is such a good weather that...we went to visit for the labuan international sea challenging...many people from other place come here for challenging them self...such as fishing..who can get big fish is cause rm25,000..wowo that a big number of money..hahahah..but i heard my mate say is a malaysia people get such a lucky.....hahaha..many photo i take from there...let u all see...and also got smal kid wearing costum...and get prises who wearing the nicer...

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