Friday, June 12, 2009

happy birthday......and good memory for u..must remember

family tree..all is sweet kimyu to yan

wow all is jie mei..forever

who is yan and me lol

madeline lol and me ,put in my phone wallpaper nw

vivan and me

natalie xiao jie with me

omg is li wan oo with ricky oo

at your happy mealssss

this is the sweet couple yan and kimyu

this is before the photo shop

all is my best friend forever.....

first of all..thanks my us to bai shou de secret and we sucess to give her a big surprise....acttually we had help yan to celebrate her birthday before his love going back....thanks his love also help us lah...after tuiton in the morning,we decided went to uk for the last preparation..we tell yan say tonight only got five of us and say actually is only belanja your love eat..haha actually in the back got a big surprise to her...when we at uk,we dnt know at all...when i bluetooth with yan love a bit again want kena know alredy....huhu...sure the kimyu help if not haizzzz no surprise le lol......after that we let a yan go choir then we go do everything......the present that her love give is a family tree...not expensive but it fully with their memory......when yan saw that is happy like want cry but no cry lah....after that we went to pulau at 7 waiting for he to sms me so that the surprisee will going and ricky at beside other i think sitting there..when he come in all is in black..suddenly the winnie the pooh got a sound of HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U she suddenly shock and look at all of that wonderful..after we eat actually decide go to watch movie but we was late...haizzz next time lah friend....i with all of them take picture lah.........madeline saw my phone say no put her in the sad oo i take a cute pic with her and put in my wallpapaer she is happy le...she dnt want me walk back i follow her car back..thanks u ya..after that in house haizzz i think me so kekampungan o...i chang the new aircorn dnt know how to about ten minit then can open...hahaha..actually want upblog yesterday but too cold and i sleep........after read finish u can see my pic oooooo....give some comment